The world’s most diverse portfolio of injectable technologies

At Galderma, we are proud pioneers. We have the world’s most diverse portfolio of injectable technologies. This means that we can meet individual patient aspirations and supply healthcare practitioners with the right tools to provide a holistic treatment approach. Our ambition is to continue to develop innovative aesthetic solutions that live up to or exceed patients’ expectations.

We constantly strive for a higher standard. We have a strong heritage built on over two decades of aesthetic innovation, with experience from over 85 million treatments worldwide.1  As a company rooted in science, we have the most referenced clinical studies and hundreds of scientific papers published, contributing to an unmatched patient safety record. All our products are manufactured in Europe.

Over 85 million treatments worldwide2

Most diverse portfolio of injectable technologies

20+ years of aesthetic innovation

Pionerer innen estetiske behandlinger

Helt siden begynnelsen har innovasjon vært kjernen i alt vi gjør. Galderma hjelper kunder med å oppfylle sine personlige skjønnhetsmål ved å stadig utvikle nye teknikker som er klinisk beviste og effektive. Vi leverer flere tiår med forskning og utvikling, de mest siterte kliniske undersøkelsene og hundrevis av publiserte vitenskapelige rapporter. Dette bidrar til svært høy kundesikkerhet med over 85 millioner utførte behandlinger i hele verden.3

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1 Data on file (MA-39680).; Data on file (MA-40221).; Data on file (MA-39613).
2 Data on file (MA-39680).; Data on file (MA-40221).; Data on file (MA-39613).
3 Data on file (MA-39680).; Data on file (MA-40221).; Data on file (MA-39613).